Ronda Hartman

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Brussels Sprouts?…Yes Please!!

As I sit here enjoying a second helping of pure goodness, I can only but shake my head that something I so despised as a child; I now cannot imagine NOT eating! Regularly! For 50 years I’ve been missing such awesomeness, such complex flavor! What could it be, what could be so satisfying that I rue missing it for all this time…Brussels sprouts you say?

Seriously, what kid grew up loving Brussels sprouts? I recall them floating in the pot of boiling water, boiling away for eternity, like all vegetables were cooked when I was young! All boiled WELL into submission! Then to the plate where mushy, sour and stinky ‘cabbage nuggets’ waited for me. Time and time again I tried to wait them out, for my Mom to let me slide and leave the table without choking them down. Not a chance. Thankfully she was kind enough to only serve a few onto my plate. So when she wasn’t looking, I would...

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The 10 Things I Gave up to Create the Life of my Dreams

  1. Spending time with negative people.
  2. The couch.
  3. Taking advice from people who haven’t done what I aspire to do.
  4. TV.
  5. Focusing on no’s – why focus on anything negative?
  6. What other people think of me. Why care? They aren’t paying my bills!
  7. Spending money on things that won’t make me better; like fast food, and investing that money into good books that will help me grow and develop.
  8. A spotless house. That came when I could afford a housekeeper.
  9. Sleep.
  10. A belief that I am not worthy.

If you want something you have never had, you have to be willing to do something you have never done. I like to call these “investments” in my future. Short term sacrifices for the long term. Did it help me to take my life and business to a whole ‘notha level? Absolutely! Do I continue to practice this philosophy? Yes. Every one of them! Every day. It allows me to focus on what will take me to new heights...

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Life is a Gift!


Today I’m going to share something very personal and I’m praying it comes through as it’s meant; from the heart…
Life can be so hard. I get it. More than you know. I can remember, what seems like only yesterday… I was a single mom of two precious little girls. They were 2 & 3. I was going through a divorce, so strapped. I was blessed though as I received child support every month from their father. Which is more than many do. I will always be grateful for that. But it was tough. We lived in one town, had childcare in another, and I worked in another. I was always the last mom to pick up her kids. They usually ate mac’ n cheese & hotdogs or hamburger helper for dinner. I’d eat whatever was left. I kept a box of cheap wine in the fridge. I rationed it for weeks! That was my “reward” for working hard. One day I had the most humbling experience of my life. The best gift of my life. As I...

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Abundant Gratitude


These past few days I’ve been particularly emotional and so full of gratitude. Abundant gratitude! I am a grateful person by nature I think, but the truth is sometimes it just isn’t as prominent as it could be! Part of my gratitude today is that I have surrounded myself with gracious, kind and successful people. Often times, just hearing their words inspires me! I want to share some of those words with you today! Words from someone I adore who is a part of my business. Her words just put me over the edge today. No one can understand HOW this business really changes lives until you’re in it. Thanks for sharing your heart my friend. You are loved!

While on the way to church a couple of weeks ago in Bixby, I asked Jason to pull into this parking lot. He had never been, but I had - several times. I just sat and stared inside. I will never, EVER forget the journey. I will ALWAYS...

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What are Your Dreams?

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Have you ever literally counted the dollars as you loaded your shopping cart at the grocery store? Factoring in every coupon before heading to the checkout? Or, carefully watched the gas pump tick, tick, tick, as it pumped the fuel into your car because as it got closer to the $10.00 mark you knew you had to get it to stop, spot on? Have you ever borrowed from the electric bill because the water bill was due a week sooner? I am confident that most Americans can relate to this at some point in their life. Honestly, I cringe just thinking about it. The stress can feel unbearable. Sigh. This was most certainly how my husband and I operated as we scrambled paycheck to paycheck. We would take this J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) because it paid a little more than the last one. We did that because we were taking care of our family and it’s all we knew to do. In actuality, we were living our lives...

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I Can Think of No Better Way to Make a LIVING, or a LIFE!

I have learned that when you love what you do, you’ll never “work” another day in your life! My husband Ray and I both have vivid memories of the days we went to our J.O.B.’s (Just Over Broke) anywhere from 8-12 hours a day, which had us spending time with people we just really didn’t care for! I don’t mean that in a judgmental way, I mean people who give off negative energy and just plain make you not feel good! You know the ones I’m talking about, those who kind of repel happiness! Yikes! It’s so sad to see, but you can’t avoid it because you can literally “feel it! Like an earthquake! You just know they would rather be anywhere but there, with you… for 8-12 hours a day. Heavy sigh.

Reality is, there are a lot of unhappy people in the world. Sometimes they just don’t like themselves! I know, it’s a sad thing to say. Maybe sometimes they even like themselves too much, LOL! Life can...

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I took some time out this week and had an awesome one-hour relaxation massage. It was absolutely wonderful! The soft spa music played in the background while I was surrounded by the fragrance of healing essential oils in the air and touching my skin. It was hard to keep my eyes open! Seriously, a little slice of heaven! I can say I graciously embraced every single moment of it! Oh the difference one hour can make!

Embracing this experience took me back a few years on how things used to be. The reality is, just 3 years ago this was not an option in my life. Most certainly not monthly or whenever I felt like it! Wow, a time for reflection and perspective! This is so powerful! Before I discovered life could be different with the right opportunity, my mind had become somewhat closed to “possibilities”. I guess I was stuck, seeing only how “it is”, not how it could be. Today I...

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Where We Work Makes a Difference!

This past week was truly remarkable. The company I chose to create a career with invited the top 100 income earners to an all expense paid trip to the Don Cesar resort in St. Pete Florida, on the stunning Gulf of Mexico. I’m not sure which blows me away more, the fact that I’m included with this group of people or the fact that I was invited on an all expense paid trip! It was so beautiful!

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But what actually happened there trumps any visual beauty. I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing experience! I’d love to share a few of the highlights of my experience with you. Will you do something though before you read on? Will you think about your life as I share my experience, and ask yourself if you are living your life to the fullest? Because sometimes it’s just one small change that can literally change your life. I know it was for me, and I believe from the bottom of my heart...

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Dreams about the Good Life!


As I sit here making care calls in my (messy) but peaceful office today, I just had to pause and look around. My gratitude meter is off the charts right now! I love this feeling & I am embracing it in this very moment!

My career is my LIFESTYLE & my passion. I work from my home. I love helping people! My life is full of amazing, positive, motivated people. I’ve never, ever in all my life experienced it - not like this! As I look at my dream board, I’m thinking wow, it continues to become my reality. Over and over and over. It’s ever changing. I look at it every day. I hope you have one too. Mine reminds me of where I’m going so I never lose sight of what will be. It’s like a looking into the future! If you haven’t made one yet, I strongly encourage you do so. Make one with your family. Get your kiddos involved. Start marking off the things you want for you and your family.


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What If?

This afternoon I cleaned out a closet and came across a box of Chloe’s momento’s. So sweet. This is her very first “dream board”. She was 6 years old. That was 12 years ago. At that time in our lives we could fulfill a few of her dreams, we covered the candy, cookies and ice cream! (so cute!) But there’s a few bigger dreams she had on that board that have just recently become her reality. Yes, dreams really do come true.


Sometimes we just get stuck, don’t we? We settle for “this is my life” and we simply stop dreaming. What if she’d never dreamed those big dreams and really believed that one day her dreams would come true? I knew her dreams and as her Mom and Dad we wanted to make that happen.


We can never stop dreaming and we can never let out children stop dreaming! Who cares if it took over a decade to be able to make those dreams reality? It’s about what happens on the...

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