Ronda Hartman

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Legacy Makers, Dreamers and Believers

Legacy Makers, dreamers, believers. It’s who we are. We are the crazy ones who believe we really can change the world, aren’t we? And we CAN. After all, we love to pay it forward, don’t we? Random acts of kindness. Aaah, it feels so good to give! It’s freeing to know you can touch a life of someone you don’t even know just by doing something nice. It doesn’t have to cost a lot to make a difference. Maybe it’s buying the coffee for the car behind you at Starbucks, or covering the difference for the woman who’s short on her grocery bill at the checkout. Or anonymously paying off someone’s Christmas layaway, or stopping to help the person with a flat tire. Maybe it’s just a smile. You never know how you can affect another persons life. What if, you are the only light in their very dark world? What if that smile is the only one they’ve had in months? We are all givers of hope! It sure...

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No Excuses…

Caution! No excuses! Today I want to help you discover something about yourself. Something that lies deep within you and is ready to launch you towards a new direction in your life! How you choose to think about you, yourself, your life and your future is EVERYTHING!


I am proof that you can do anything you put your mind to. And no matter what, your circumstances do not define you! These two beliefs have changed my life and if I can choose to act on this belief, so can you!! When you think you can or you cannot, you are right. Every time. So when you recognize these limiting beliefs and find yourself saying: “I can’t "… (ex…: lose weight, get fit, not eat sugar for 30 days, build a successful business, be a network marketer, make a million dollars and so on) STOP and recognize you are only closing the doors that lead you to the next beautiful chapter of your life! These...

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What IS #theGOODlife?

It may be different for everyone, but it’s worth thinking about for yourself! Here’s what I mean…if you had nothing but choices, I mean a life with no boundaries, what would that look like for you & your family? I know…you have to really drop your walls and take a deep breath because most of us convince ourselves that, “Life is what it is”. I know this because I did a time or two in my life. I’m going to challenge you!

For me, the GOOD life is simply spending more time doing the things I love! That I am passionate about! It’s really having FREEDOM! I won’t go into my list, because freedom can mean difference things for different people. Maybe for you that’s spending more time with family, with your spouse, being at home with your kiddos, vacationing, giving more, being a “Yes” parent instead of a “We can’t afford that” parent, maybe it would include a new home or car, or not having to...

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My parents did the best they could raising us. I think most of us can say that. They divorced when I was 12 & soon afterwards my Dad moved out of the state. I learned a lot from them. Some I would choose to repeat when raising my own children & some things I would do very differently. My kids are doing the same thing with their children today. I believe wanting better for our kids is what can change generations to come! For me, growing up I heard lot of no’s. Things like “We can’t afford that.” Money doesn’t grow on trees!” “That’s too expensive.” As a single Mom, a Disney vacation never entered her thoughts; at least it was never spoken. She worked very hard for us, but she had already settled for “broke.” Do you know what I mean? Where she was would be where she stayed, never seeing change, settling I suppose. This would remain her “normal” and still is today at almost 76 years young...

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An Interview With Ronda Hartman

Q: What would you say is the Key to your Success?

Ronda Hartman: “Focus on the success of others, and success will follow you”

Q: How did you choose It Works?

Ronda Hartman: On September 22, 2011 I was online and came across a little ad that said “See results in as little as 45 minutes” I clicked on it, and that very moment changed everything for me and my family. I signed on before I even tried a wrap! I listened to my inner voice, and it told me, “If this does what they say it does, everyone will want it!” It was true, my passion grew quickly and it became evident that “I” didn’t find It Works, It Works found me! When you have your hands on something that really works, you can’t help but share it! It’s like watching a great movie or dining at an amazing restaurant! It’s just not right to keep it to yourself!

Q: How has It Works made a difference in your work and family life?


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